NGC1333 - The Embryo Nebula

This is a beautiful reflection nebula in the Perseus molecular cloud. The blue areas are the result of bright starlight being reflected from the surrounding dust clouds. 

The bright red areas are Herbig-Haro objects which are associated with new-born stars. They are created when new stars eject narrow jets of partially ionised gas which collide with nearby gas and dust fields causing them to glow. There are thought to be around 20 new stars within this area.

Distance from Earth: 967 Light Years  
2022-04-18 NGC1333 Embryo Nebula

Scope   : CFF 135/926
Mount   : EQ6R-Pro (DFO StellarDrive)
Camera  : QHY600 Lite
Filters : Chroma
 • Red  : 62 x 300s
 • Green: 66 x 600s
 • Blue : 67 x 600s
Total Integration : 16.25 hours

This is quite a dark target and challenging from our Bortle 4 area. 

Data for this image was captured over four sessions in January 2022 but I didn't get chance to process it until April. 

I really like this target and intend to capture more data. My processing skills are not yet good enough to bring out the full detail but I will hopefully improve on this image at some point.