C38 The Needle Galaxy

The Needle is a giant galaxy in the Coma Berenices region, larger and brighter than our Milky Way. It is seen almost perfectly edge on, but zoom in far enough in high definition and it is just possible to see part of the upper face of the galaxy which offers quite a different perspective. 

Actual Size : 250,000 to 300,000 Light Years
Sky Size    : 16' x 3'
Distance    : 30 to 50 million Light Years
Target  : C38 The Needle Galaxy
Date    : 2022-04-23

Scope   : CFF 135/926
Mount   : EQ6R-Pro (DFO StellarDrive)
Camera  : QHY600 Lite
Filters : Chroma
  • Red   : 20 x 240s
  • Green : 20 x 240s
  • Blue  : 24 x 240s
Total Integration : 4.3 hours

Data capture during 21st and 23rd April.