M81 Bode's Nebula and M82 Cigar Galaxy

Bode's "Nebula" is in fact a spiral galaxy, around 90,000 light years in diameter and 12 million light years from earth. 

M82, the Cigar Galaxy, around the same distance from earth but smaller, is a starburst galaxy. It is thought that the gravity from nearby M81 caused the gases in M82 nebula to condense leading to the formation of large numbers of new stars. 

There appear to be around 200 star forming clusters within the core of M82, each one on average having the mass of 200,000 suns. Stars are being created in these clusters at a rate of 10 times that in the whole of the Milky Way.

I have grouped these galaxies together as that is how I tend to image them.

Size: 90,000 Light Years
Distance from Earth: 12 million Light Years
2021-05-11 M81 Bodes Nebula Galaxy

Scope   : CFF 135/926
Mount   : EQ6R-Pro (DFO StellarDrive)
Camera  : QHY600 Lite
Filters : Chroma
  • Ha    : 15 x 300s
  • Lum   : 17 x 300s
  • Red   : 20 x 300s
  • Green : 20 x 300s
  • Blue  : 21 x 300s
Total Integration : 7.7 hours

Data capture during April and May 2021
2018-02-09 M81 Bodes Nebula Galaxy

Scope   : SW Esprit 80/400
Mount   : HEQ5
Camera  : SX814
Filters : Baader
  • Red   : 8 x 300s
  • Green : 7 x 300s
  • Blue  : 8 x 300s

Total Integration : 1.9 hours

2016-12-04 M81 Bodes Galaxy

Scope   : SW Esprit 80/400
Mount   : HEQ5 
Camera  : Nikon D750 (Unmodified)
Filters : None - One Shot Colour
  • 12 x 600s

Total Integration : 2 hours